2023 Apricot Orchard Harvests Begin Soon

Update: harvests announced and on the Events calendar. The 2023 crop of apricots in the Bay Area is - late, and light! A small number of apricot orchard harvests will be annouced soon through the volunteer newsletter. If you're not already receiving it, submit your Volunteer Registration now so you receive the newsletter.
This year, orchard coordinators discovered that it's a very light crop year and many of our usual heritage apricot orchards have little or no fruit. Based on the weather observations of Orchard Keepers, the trees bloomed abundantly but the heavy spring rains came during the blossom time for many locations and dramatically depleted the crop. Unirrigated historic orchards were already suffering from drought affects, but even the two irrigated orchards shared with Village Harvest were affected.
The South Bay Area has been experiencing cooler than typical temperatures and most apricots that remain are ripening very slowly. But they're coming!