Home Gardens:
We give priority to seniors and others who are physically unable to pick their own trees. Because of high interest most physically able tree owners will need to harvest and donate their own fruit.

Many food agencies accept homeowner fruit donations - check our Community Food Drop Off Locations list for the latest updates. We are expanding our FruitSharing DIY resources with how to information on easy ways to harvest your fruit.

If your fruit trees have been previously picked by Village Harvest volunteers, please complete the shorter Harvest Request page instead.

If you have 10 or more trees of the same general fruit type and timing, please Contact Us with a description and details of your fruit and property. Our Orchard Harvest teams are operating in portions of Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties.

Please include at least one contact number; use format nnn-nnn-nnnn including the area code.

Eligibility and Conditions *

Our goal is to help tree owners learn to share their own fruit whenever possible, and for our volunteer teams to primarily assist those households whose members are physically unable to harvest their trees.